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Afromation Woman is here to empower you. Born in a Utopia called Afrotopia where she is surrounded by powerful women, Afromation Woman knew nothing else but to empower others. In this journal series you will experience Afromation Woman’s journey through fighting negativity and empowering all humankind. Every series will have different affirmations for you to speak and write. Afromation Woman is here to uplift and empower you.
In this journal are five main affirmations. Under each affirmations there are five mantras for you to repeat in the mirror or a quiet place and then write them down five times. Being repetitive and believing in the words you speak will always help you to believe in those words and to speak it into the universe. Manifest what you believe for yourself.
Each mantra is part of the seven chakras. When you speak them always say it in the present tense because you are that at that moment and not the future or the past. So when you speak “I Am, I Feel, I Do, I Love, I Speak, I See, and I Understand” it aligns you with your seven chakras, Root, Sacral, Solar Plex, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown.
Everyday when you wake up or whenever you feel you need one of these affirmations, grab this journal and pick the one you need to feel that day. Then repeat each mantra of that affirmation five times in a mirror or a quiet place. Then on the following pages write them down five times. Then write down your answers to the following questions. Why did you choose this affirmation today? How did it make you feel after you spoke and wrote those words? Do this as many times as you feel. There are 20 blank pages per affirmation for you to write them down as many days as you need them. Remember you become what you believe. So believe you are magnificent and unstoppable. Believe in yourself. It starts with you. And I believe in you.
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